2016 Ford Escape Battery Madness

Since it has gotten cold it has been more and more of a struggle for my car to get started. It is a 2016 and I have had it since I bought it new and it is still on the original battery. OK, time to change the battery. Although my skill set in fixing automotive things is limited, this is one task I can undertake. I recently changed the battery in our other older car. So I go out this morning and open the hood to pull the battery so I can trade it in. This is what I find:

The battery is buried underneath the top sill, back by the firewall. WTF? There must be some logic for putting it there but for the life of me I can’t figure it out. You have to rip everything out that is in front of it, or pull off the windshield wipers and the whole double layer of plastic sills about it. Brutal. This is probably something I could do, I’m pretty sure I could get it out but then getting it back in and everything put back together… lots of doubt. So local Total Car Care, you can thank Ford for the upcoming $$$ you will be getting from me to swap out my battery this week. Ooof.