Sunday, October 1, 1989

I spent the weekend with Chris at Indiana. On Friday Heather still wanted to come, so I told her I would call Chris and ask him if it was OK. I couldn’t decide if I wanted her to come along or not. I couldn’t get a hold of Chris but I told here she was welcome to come with me. She said that all she wanted to know was whether I would ask her to go or not. In the end she decided not to go and went to Cinnci with Denise.

After three long hours of trekking across two states and another half hour trying to find Foster/Shea among the bewildering maze called IU, I found Chris’ room. He was laying on the floor reading a Roger Zelazny book.

That night we drove around, played racquetball in the HPR (pronounced hyper). Got some Stroh’s and got pretty drunk. We smoked half of our Havana cigars which we bought at the mall. I played many people in chess that night and managed to lose only one game, and that to the guy who draws Garfield’s nephew who lives on Chris’ floor. (Phew, that was quite a sentence!) I finally got to bed around 3:00 AM.

Saturday afternoon we went to the Hoosier Football game with Julie, Jason and Scott. IU beat UT big. After that Chris and I played racquetball again. I managed to win one game (22-20). That night we went to Mama Bears for pizza and then to the mall where we got our ears punctured (I wonder what my mom will say?!). We didn’t do that much that night. Just sat around and talked to some guys who were reminiscing about High School pranks. Got to bed around 1:30 AM.

Sunday I got up around 10. We walked around the campus then had lunch with Jason and Julie. I drove home that afternoon. I managed to pick up an A.M. station in Dayton which was broadcasting the Browns game so that made the drive go a little faster. (Browns beat the Broncos for the first time in 15 years (16-13)).

Char called when I got home so I talked with her for a little while. She seems to be doing OK, but she has a cold. I called Heather and then went over to Hamilton Hall to exchange weekends with her. She said she missed me a lot. Later we came back to my room and she gave me a back rub which felt awesome (I really hate that word, but you get my meaning). Later I took her home in my car. Then I watched George Michael Sports Report and then I studied Psychology for a test tomorrow for about half an hour.

Now I am going to delve into my emotional psyche. I believe I am over Char. We are going our separate ways. I really did lover her and I care greatly for her now, I know, as I always knew, that we were not destined for each other. I hope she finds a very nice guy to settle down with.

I hope I can find a nice girl to settle down. There are plenty around here to choose from. I really like Heather, but there is something about her which keeps me back. I think in time I will grow much closer to her.