Sunday, November 19, 1989

Tracey just punched me in the thigh, and it really hurts. That’s the third time I’ve gotten punched in the same spot. Anyway, I came back here to my room, and I am alone for the moment, so I’m going to record last weekend.

Thursday Chris and I went down to Page Manor and got a bottle of Vodka and a 32oz Lite each. We finished everything and I can’t really think of anything memorable that happened that night. Actually the whole weekend kind of slides together. Robin, Dan’s friend, came over to stay the weekend, but more on her Saturday night.

I’m trying to think of what we did on Friday. Dan just walked in and reminded me that me and him and Mike drank a case of beer and just hung around here. Kara and I took a shower. I pulled Tracey’s rug out from underneath her and she fell right on her ass. It was hilarious. I fell asleep in Rhea’s loft (everyone tells me she likes me, they are probably right) and Dan and Tracey painted my arm with nail polish and started to put shaving cream on it when I woke up. I got Tracey pretty good, then came back to my loft and went to sleep.

Saturday I quaffed an entire bottle of Vodka in the form of screwdrivers. Me and Dan and Robin and another friend of Dan’s went on a beer run and Robin got in the back seat with me and proceeded to get very car sick. So it took me about a half hour to get her back into out room, then everybody but me and her left to get Mike from U.D. and she tried to get her keys and leave. I guess she was mad at Dan. Anyway, now for the highlights: Mike and I sandwiched Becky in a running shower with our cloth’s on, then they kicked me out, so I went next door and sat in their shower for awhile. I guess thats about it except for the regular drunken stupid stuff. I got Rush’s new album, Presto, and it’s awesome. Cleveland got 8 inches of snow. Keith got a Supervisor job in East Cleveland. Nancy is expecting Dec 16. I’ve got a history paper due Wednesday and a Psychology test. Gotta get some sleep dream of solid shit.