Saturday, November 12, 1994

Well I have just returned from my first adventure in teaching college freshmen their Baldridge reading skills. I guess this is a pretty good time to catch up on this journal although I don’t really want to spend much time talking about it tonight. I guess I will just highlight the areas and current frame of mind. Went to Juniata in PA, Birmingham Southern, Washington and Lee which is in Lexington VA right next to VMI, and I just got back from Mary Baldwin an all girls school where I found out that I was “the man”. Ashlara and Janine both thought so and it did sound good to hear even if it was from eighteen year olds and not even the eighteen year old that I thought was particullarly attractive. But overall it was a fairly good experience. I have a lot of time free so I will try to write and get some things in the mail and get that working. I guess I will continue to do this (teaching) next year until March or April and then I will figure out what I feel like doing, where I feel like doing it, and with whom.

1 Comment »
while i was at voss i found a want ad looking for traveling teachers, i applied and interviewed and got the job. there were five or six of us that would travel to colleges and teach basic reading skills to college freshman that needed it. it was a fun adventure starting out but i was ready to be done with it after the full school year.

washington and lee was pretty amazing, we are going to the lexington area this year on our vacation to stay in a cabin and visit chris who live in virginia now.

i vaguely remember mary baldwin and the girls that had a crush on me. one of them called me and wanted to see me the day i was leaving (although i cannot recall which of the two it was). we setup a date somewhere at the school but i bailed on it. i’m sure this struck an emational blow from which she never recovered and is now a successful nun somewhere.

Comment by vim — Wednesday, May 10, 2006 @ 12:34 pm