week. end


yep, i’m at work again this week. we are almost at “overdue” but the baby seems to want to maintain it’s internal status. i joked several weeks ago about how the next “good numbers” day would be 8-28-05 but i never thought that would be a real possibility.

i had a great weekend with the kids, playing in the pool and around the house. on sunday we went to
the duck pond for a look at nature and a hike in the woods.

then we drove over to Squire’s Castle. the boy had been there a couple of times before but the girl was a little anxious, worried about bad guys being there, but she was ok once we arrived.

on the way home we wanted some curly fries but got caught up in a disastrous traffic jam in my no-ac car. really, what city decides to close Mayfield Road on an Sunday afternoon?

we finally got our fries, the girl used the opportunity for a quick nap and the boy maintained good spirits the whole, hot time.

finally the boy had his first archery lesson. he’s been really curious about all my swords and bow & arrow lately so i got out the bow and some target arrows and launched a few in the back yard. he was properly impressed. he tried it himself a few times but the bow was too strong. we’re going to take it to kentucky the next time we go (which was supposed to be labor day but i don’t know if we are going to make that now).