home on the range

thing are settling down. i’ve taken the rest of the week off of work. the m-i-l will be up all next week so i’m going to be at the office.

recapping the last couple of days. . .

i was actually up pretty late when it was me, the boy and the girl at home. i think i passed my window of opportunity for sleep. finally crashed after midnight. the girl actually managed to fall out of her bed for the first time ever so she had to come in with me for awhile. i’m still not sure how she managed to get over the railings around her bed. she was mad but not hurt.

in the morning we arranged things so that grandpa would come up around 9:30 so i could go get the other girls and bring them home.

everything worked out, and was taken care of by 10:30 except that maeve hadn’t had her hearing test and apparently it is a state law that she has one before we can take her home. the audiologist wouldnt be back until six that night, so, needless to say, we were less than pleased. i stayed with the wife and maeve until around noon and then went back to relieve grandpa. on the way out the nurse told us that they had called the audiologist to see if she could come in early.

hung out with the boy and the girl until about 1:30 when the wife called and said that they had just take maeve for her hearing test and she’d be done in fifteen minutes. i found out later that the audiologist had an office in the same complex and came over on a break to do the test. that was nice.

so grandma came up and i went and brought the girls home. five under the roof now.

the wife had a rough night alone with maeve the first night. we both had a pretty rough night last night. maeve wants to be held all the time and gets mad when she is not. at around 8 this morning the wife put her in the bassinet and i could tell she was done and need some serious sleep. i scooped her up (maeve that is) and took her downstairs with the girl who was up too. the boy arrived shortly there after and there i was, totally outgunned, three to one.

. . .and maeve was not happy. she cried for quite a while and i ended up taking her downstairs to explain basic computing, the home network, and to rock her in my “new” recliner. i’m not sure what bored her more but she finally crashed at around 9 this morning and i was able to put her in her car seat and she slept well.

she’s slept pretty well today without human contact including right now, she’s been in her bassinet for a couple hours sleeping.

time to take the other two to be now.