1-17-95 Louisville S.B.T.S.

1-17-95 Louisville S.B.T.S.

Finishing my last week here in Loiusville. I talked to Rhea and to Chris and to my parents tonight. My mom got another cat, a stray that she found outside of school. She took it straight to the vet and will bring it home on friday after it gets neutered and gets all her shots. Hopefully it will be something for Harley to play with. Other than that I found out when my Saturn day was, Feb. 1 so I will try to be back in town the day before.

Chris is fine. I am going to go see him this weekend and print out my resume and some cover letters to send out when I get to Cleveland. I may have enough money to buy my printer when I get in Cleveland, I know I’ll have enough after my final three weeks, I just can’t decide if I should get the printer or the new SIMMS yet. I guess we will see.

Originally I was going to go see Rhea this weekend but I talked to her about it and decided that it would be easier to go to IU first and then go to Dayton early next week. It was kind of hard on her since she was expecting to see me this weekend but I think that she understands that it will be easier to do it this way. So I’ll be in Dayton for almost a week, and then go to Cleveland for the dentist and Car and send the resumes out, and then go back to Dayton on my way to Wofford in South Carolina. It’s not really on the way but that is how I am going to do it in order to spend tohe optimum amount of time with her. I think things might work out really well this time. We had a really good weekend and things seem better.

One of the most important things is that I work on myself, and I have been feeling a little bit better about myself. If I can just keep up my good luck and get a bite for a nice job in Cleveland, and then have her move up there with me I think things might all end up for the better. It seems like that is in the far future but really it might be in only a couple of months. We both decided that it is nescessary for us to be in the same area together. It is very hard on both of us when we have to part and be apart for such a long amount of time.

I felt a little bit bad that about changing plans after she told me that she was very much looking forward to seeing me, but I know that I need to see Chris since I will be away for a while and also that i will spend a lot of time with her. So I guess things are looking up right now. I just need to stay a bit more sober and work on my writing. It seems to be theraputic (writing) as well as a potential source of income. Hopefully tommorrow i will have everything in the computer that I have written so far. These entries seem a lot shorter since the marathon, but then I am in much better spirits and it is easier to write about bad feeling than good ones.

1 Comment »
“the marathon” mentioned here was a number of entries that i wrote for rhea to read that are tame in some places but generally not suitable for general consumption. a lot of rambling on about me and her and some of my hangups. it was pretty therapeutic but not anything i care to share.

Comment by vim — Wednesday, May 10, 2006 @ 12:54 pm