1-4-95 Louisville, Ky Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

1-4-95 Louisville, Ky Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

I know that it sounds very daunting, but it is really just another school, only this time I have brought my computer with me so I can write while I am here for the next three weeks. Even three weeks seems a bit daunting but in fact I am almost done with the first week and if everything goes according to plan I will only have to teach two classes a day like I did today. I am supposed to teach three but today no one showed up for the 3:00 class so in thoery I could be done at 2:30 every day. Easy money/ Tommorrow I am having lunch with the dean. I hope my stomach doesn’t act up too much but I know it will. I’m planning on just having a nice salad and explaining how I like to eat only a light lunch.

I guess tonight I will have another depressing night. I have been thinking about Rhea a lot especially after the Wendy episode which I may or may not have recorded, probably not but suffice it to say that I will never break up with another girl to see if things will work out between me and her. Then I wondered wether or not I made a mistake in breaking up with Rhea. I really want to talk to her but I am unable to do so since tonight I can only make collect long distance calls. I have to wait until tom. to call her and maybe set up something so that we can get together. I think I miss her, maybe this will make things better in our relationship, if you can still call it that but i doubt that is true. I still want to see her again and talk to her. I think now I might be able to releave her somewhat, and possibly myself as well. I can’t tell her abour Wendy because I am not very sure that I consciously broke up with Rhea to go out with her, I think that may have been an addendum to the whole getting back together with the gang and something happening there. This is the group that pre-dates both Chris and Char and really everyone else in my common life. I shall call Rhea tommorrow and leave her a message to call me if she will. She is probably already dating someone else, which as usual will crush me. I am still so torn as to wether or not i did the right thing or wether or not we should get back toghter, although from my reading of the situation that is a far-flunged possiblity. I guess I can satisfy (wrong word) myself somewhat in that she probabaly wouldn’t have benn happy with me if we stayed toghter and got married. I really need to talk to her.

KT’s bar is a farily nice place to hang out although the beer is quite expensive. I liked the people last night more than I did night although Linda the bar-tender was a nice addition tonight. However the viewing last night was a much younger and more attractive crowd including that southern belle who was just so incredibly attractive. I overheard her say something about where she worked. BBC’s or BCC’s or something like that I looked for it in the phone book but I could not find anything. I think tommorrow night I might go to the Dutch Pub up the road which also looks like it may be sports driven and have a farily nice clientel. We shall see, I may have to go to Cinncinati to go see Rhea. I really need to talk to her.

1 Comment »
this one is interesting to me because i’m always trying to pinpoint when in my life i started to have a sensitive stomach. i don’t really remember it being like that in college and i don’t think it was sensitive in graduate school so it was somewhere in this time frame that i started to carry all my stress in my stomach. i remember the lunch i had with the dean, i did have a salad and she insisted on a piece of cake too. she was that kind of dean.

i think while i was teaching here i lived in a sparsely populated apartment for three weeks and possibly had to rent a television.

Comment by vim — Wednesday, May 10, 2006 @ 12:49 pm